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What you need to know about Big Data Be familiar with the standard “3 V” definition of what Big Data is and what each “V” means. Give examples. Be able to discuss the top vendors of Big Data in the relational database space. Who are they? Are they expensive? Cheap? Are they losing traction in market? What are they being replaced with? What is NoSQL? There are 3 categories of NoSQL Databases, describe each one Above and beyond the fact that NoSQL databases “don’t use SQL) (this isn’t really true any more – look at Couchbase, Mongo, etc.), these databases offer a substantially different feature set than a relational database. What AREN’T they able to do that a relational database can? Based on the fact that NoSQL databases deal with a different type of problem, do you think they will replace relational databases, or co-exist? Why? What is Spark SQL? Shark? What’s the difference? Who are the major Hadoop vendors? What is each vendor’s SQL on Hadoop solution?

Email Bursting

Step 1: Install and set-up BLAT go to: download latest version extract copy all files within to  C:\WINDOWS\System32 open command prompt run: c:\  blat -install [server address] [sender's email address] example::  blat -install  test: c:\ blat C:\testfile.txt -s test_subject -to blat syntax Step 2: GetReport.bat :: Change directory to tabcmd location cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Tableau\Tableau Server\9.2\bin" :: login to Tableau via tabcmd tabcmd login -s http://localhost:8000 -username fshih -password password -no-prompt :: run tabcmd get :: reports are saved to pdf tabcmd get "views/Sales/GrowthofWalmart" -f "C:\Users\fshih\Downloads\test.pdf" :: logout of tabcmd when done tabcmd logout :: back to root cd \ :: send email with pdf attachme...

Dashboard Embed & Toolbar Config

Default Embed  Parameters <param name='tabs' value='no' /> <param name='toolbar' value='yes' /> <param name='showVizHome' value='n' /> <param name='showShareOptions' value='true' /> Embed without Toolbar Parameters <param name='tabs' value='no' /> <param name='toolbar' value='no' /> <param name='showVizHome' value='n' /> <param name='showShareOptions' value='true' />